On Tuesday night, they were all calling for him to step down. Now, they've tolerated Cuomo's actions and waiting for the AG report and its release featured sickening details. Democrats have yelled to whoever would listen that Trump wasn't fit to be President and that his indiscretions served as the great deal breaker for high office. There's no way Dems can continue to criticize the former President who was caught up in his own creepy allegations when he was running in 2016.
I believe that can't happen and in fact, I suspect he'll be forced to proclaim his innocence, and resign for 'the good of New York' before the end of the week.ĭemocrats can not allow him to stay because they've backed themselves into a corner by taking the moral high ground on Trump and 'Me Too' for the last 5 years. Many believe he'll fight to the end and actually survive these incredibly dark days. 'They'll have to take him out kicking and screaming,' one person told me on Tuesday night.
Many people right now are saying that Cuomo is stubborn and defiant like former President Donald Trump.